CV / English / Animation Director

Alex Martin

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +1 (555) 123-4567
  • Address: 123 Dream Lane, AnimCity, Creativia, 45678


A passionate and creative Animation Director with over 10 years of experience in directing animated features, short films, and television series. Demonstrates a strong ability to bring stories to life through innovative animation techniques and a deep understanding of character development. Excel in leading diverse and talented teams to achieve artistic excellence and commercial success in fast-paced and dynamic environments.

Core Competencies

  • Storyboarding and Pre-visualization
  • Character Design and Development
  • 3D Animation and Rigging
  • Team Leadership and Project Management
  • Creative Direction and Concept Development
  • Script Analysis and Storytelling
  • Budget Management and Scheduling
  • Feedback Implementation and Quality Control

Technologies and Certifications

  • Proficient in Maya, Blender, Adobe After Effects, and Cinema 4D
  • Certified Adobe Creative Suite Expert
  • Understanding of Unreal Engine for real-time animation production
  • Familiar with Python scripting for animation

Professional Experience

Animation Director – DreamSketch Studios, Creativia

June 2015 – Present

  • Directed a team of 50+ animators, artists, and technicians in the production of the globally acclaimed animated feature The Hidden Realms, which won multiple international awards.
  • Implemented advanced animation techniques and technologies, improving project efficiency by 30%.
  • Collaborated with scriptwriters, voice actors, and the music department to ensure that all elements of the animation production were in harmony.

    Senior Animator – PixelMagic Animation, PixieDust City

    January 2010 – May 2015

  • Led storyboard revisions, character development, and initial animations for various successful television series.

  • Coordinated with the animation team to meet production deadlines and maintain high-quality standards.

  • Provided mentorship to junior animators, enhancing team skills and productivity.

Education and Training

  • Master of Fine Arts in Animation, University of Creativia, 2009
  • Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media Arts, College of Visual Arts, AnimCity, 2007

Workshops and Seminars: - Advanced Storyboarding Techniques, 2018 - Creative Leadership for Animation Projects, 2016


Jessica Fox Executive Producer, DreamSketch Studios Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (555) 987-6543

Derek Shaw Head of Animation, PixelMagic Animation Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (555) 654-3210