CV / English / Azure DevOps Engineer

Personal Information

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +1 (555) 123-4567
  • Address: 1428 Elm Street, Tech City, CA, 90001


I am a highly motivated and experienced Azure DevOps Engineer with over 5 years of professional experience in designing, implementing, and maintaining continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines for cloud solutions. Adept at automating and optimizing development processes, I have a proven track record of leveraging Azure cloud services to enhance development workflows, reduce deployment timelines, and ensure high-quality software delivery.

Core Competencies

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Configuration Management
  • Cloud Services Management
  • Automation and Scripting
  • Monitoring and Performance Tuning
  • Security Best Practices

Technologies and Certifications

  • Cloud Platforms: Azure, AWS
  • Tools: Azure DevOps, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible
  • Programming Languages: PowerShell, Bash, Python
  • Certifications:
    • Azure DevOps Engineer Expert
    • Azure Administrator Associate

Professional Experience

Senior Azure DevOps Engineer | Tech Innovations Corp, Tech City, CA

July 2019 - Present - Designed and implemented CI/CD pipelines across multiple projects, reducing deployment times by 40%. - Automated infrastructure provisioning using Terraform and Azure ARM templates, resulting in a 25% cost reduction. - Led the migration of legacy applications to Azure, achieving a 30% improvement in application performance.

Azure DevOps Engineer | Cloud Solutions Inc, Tech City, CA

May 2015 - June 2019 - Managed Azure cloud environments, including service provisioning, monitoring, and compliance. - Developed automation scripts in PowerShell and Python to streamline development processes. - Collaborated with development teams to implement DevOps practices, improving team productivity by 20%.

Education and Training

  • B.S. in Computer Science University of Tech City, CA Graduated: May 2015
  • Azure DevOps Engineer Expert Certification Microsoft Certified, 2020
  • Azure Administrator Associate Certification Microsoft Certified, 2019


Mark Thompson Director of Engineering Tech Innovations Corp Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (555) 987-6543

Laura Jacobs Senior Project Manager Cloud Solutions Inc Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (555) 654-3210