CV / English / Data Analyst

Leo Sterling 123 Data Drive, Analytica, DA 45678 Email: [email protected] Phone: (123) 456-7890

Highly analytical and process-oriented data analyst with in-depth knowledge of database types; research methodologies; and big data capture, curation, manipulation, and visualization. Furnish insights, analytics, and business intelligence used to advance opportunity identification, process reengineering, and corporate growth.

  • Statistical Analysis & Data Mining
  • Database Management & Reporting
  • Quantitative Modeling
  • Process Improvement
  • Data Visualization
  • Team Leadership & Collaboration
  • Programming Languages: Python, R, SQL
  • Tools & Platforms: Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Excel, SAS
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Certifications: Certified Analytics Professional (CAP), Microsoft Certified: Data Analyst Associate

XYZ Corporation, Data Analyst, May 2018 - Present

  • Designed and deployed data table structures, forms, reports, and queries.
  • Conducted quantitative analysis of financial data to forecast revenue, identify future trends, and assess risk associated with capital expenditures.

ABC Tech Solutions, Junior Data Analyst, January 2016 - April 2018

  • Assisted with the development of analytics platforms that processed and visualized millions of rows of data.
  • Supported senior analysts in the creation of reporting solutions, performing data mining and data auditing activities.
  • Master of Science in Data Analytics, University of Data Sciences, 2016
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Tech University, 2014

Continuing Education & Training: - Advanced Data Analysis Course, DataCamp, 2019 - SQL for Data Science, Coursera, 2018

Available upon request.