CV / English / DevOps Engineer


Name: Alex Rivera Address: 987 Silicon Valley, Suite 100, Tech City, Innovation State, 54321 Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 987-6543


A motivated and detail-oriented DevOps Engineer with over 5 years of experience in automating, configuring, and optimizing cloud-based environments. Proven track record in implementing robust CI/CD pipelines, ensuring scalable infrastructure, and promoting a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Excels in fast-paced environments, delivering cutting-edge solutions to improve deployment frequencies, achieve faster time to market, and reduce failure rates of new releases.


  • Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Cloud Service Administration (AWS, Azure, GCP)
  • Configuration Management
  • Monitoring and Logging
  • Security and Compliance
  • Scripting and Automation
  • Team Collaboration and Leadership


  • Languages & Scripts: Python, Bash, Ruby
  • Tools & Platforms: Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible
  • Cloud: AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Azure Fundamentals, Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer
  • Monitoring Tools: Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack
  • Version Control: Git, GitHub, GitLab


Senior DevOps Engineer XYZ Corp, Tech City July 2019 - Present - Led the migration of monolithic applications to microservices architecture, resulting in a 50% improvement in deployment speeds. - Implemented comprehensive monitoring solutions that reduced system downtime by 40%. - Developed and maintained CI/CD pipelines for multiple projects, significantly improving team productivity and project deliverability.

DevOps Engineer ABC Technology, Digital Place March 2017 - June 2019 - Automated the provisioning of cloud infrastructure using Terraform, reducing the setup time for new environments by over 60%. - Configured and managed Docker containers to streamline development and production workflows. - Enforce security best practices and conducted regular system audits to ensure data integrity and compliance.


  • Master’s Degree in Computer Science University of Technology, Graduated May 2017

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Tech University, Graduated May 2015

  • Certifications: AWS Certified Solutions Architect (2018), Azure Fundamentals (2019), Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer (2020)


Jason Momoa Director of Engineering, XYZ Corp Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 123-4567

Mia Wong Head of IT, ABC Technology Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 234-5678