CV / English / Sound Designer

Alex M. Sterling

  • Address: 128 Sound Ave, Audioland, SND 90210
  • Phone: (555) 123-4567
  • Email: [email protected]


A passionate Sound Designer with over 7 years of professional experience in creating compelling auditory experiences for video games, film, and live events. Expert in synthesizing original sound effects, ambient soundscapes, and dynamic audio systems. Recognized for innovative sound design, collaborative team work, and a keen ability to enhance storytelling through sound.

Core Competencies

  • Sound Design & Editing
  • Audio Post-Production
  • Live Sound Reinforcement
  • Foley & Field Recording
  • Audio Implementation
  • Project Management
  • Team Leadership

Technologies and Certifications

  • Proficient in Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, and Adobe Audition
  • Comprehensive knowledge of Wwise and FMOD for interactive audio
  • Certified Avid Pro Tools Operator
  • Understanding of Max/MSP for sound synthesis
  • Experience with ambisonic audio and VR audio production

Professional Experience

Senior Sound Designer, Epic Audio Adventures, Inc., 2019-Present - Led sound design for triple-A video game titles, enhancing player immersion

Audio Technician, LiveSound Solutions, Inc., 2015-2019 - Provided live sound reinforcement for concerts and events, managing audio equipment and mix live performances

Sound Design Intern, Sonic Magic Studios, 2014-2015 - Assisted in post-production sound editing and Foley recording for a variety of film projects

Education and Training

  • B.A. in Sound Design, University of Sound Arts, 2014
  • Audio Engineering Certificate, Sound Design Institute, 2013


Jordan Green Supervising Sound Designer Epic Audio Adventures, Inc. Email: [email protected]

Taylor Kim Event Coordinator LiveSound Solutions, Inc. Email: [email protected]