CV / English / UX Researcher

Emily Carter

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 123-456-7890

Address: 256 Innovation Drive, Techville, TX 78701, USA

Dynamic and insightful UX Researcher with over 5 years of hands-on experience in conducting high-impact user research and translating insights into actionable product improvements. Proven track record in employing a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods to solve complex design problems and enhance user satisfaction. Passionate about creating seamless user experiences and fostering a deep understanding of user behaviors, needs, and motivations.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research
  • Usability Testing
  • User Persona Creation
  • Journey Mapping
  • Data Analysis
  • A/B Testing
  • Cognitive Walkthroughs
  • Stakeholder Interviews
  • Agile and Scrum methodologies
  • Strong Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Technologies: Axure, Sketch, InVision, Adobe Creative Suite,, Hotjar, Google Analytics
  • Certifications: Certified Usability Analyst (CUA), NN/g UX Certification

UX Researcher at Creatix Studios

June 2018 - Present - Led over 50 usability testing sessions, identifying key usability issues and providing actionable recommendations that increased user satisfaction by 25%. - Conducted in-depth user interviews and surveys that informed the development of 3 major product features, enhancing user engagement. - Collaborated with product managers and designers to refine product roadmaps and prioritize feature development based on user feedback.

Junior UX Researcher at TechInnovate

March 2016 - May 2018 - Supported senior UX researchers in carrying out extensive market research and competitive analysis tasks. - Assisted in the creation and analysis of user personas and journey maps, providing insights that led to a 15% improvement in user flow across multiple projects. - Facilitated A/B testing and analyzed user behavior through analytics tools, contributing to the iterative design process.

Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction

Stanford University, September 2014 - June 2016

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

University of Texas at Austin, September 2010 - June 2014

Jane Smith

Senior UX Designer at Creatix Studios Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 234-567-8901

Michael Johnson

Product Manager at TechInnovate Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 345-678-9012