CV / English / Engine Programmer

Thomas R. Gearhart

Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 123-4567 Address: 404 Code Lane, Techville, TX, 78701

Experienced and innovative Engine Programmer specializing in developing high-performance game engines and simulations. Proven expertise in optimizing existing engines, debugging complex issues, and integrating cutting-edge graphical features. Committed to pushing the boundaries of virtual reality and interactive experiences.

  • Engine Development & Optimization
  • Cross-Platform Development
  • Performance Tuning & Debugging
  • 3D Graphics and Physics Simulations
  • Team Leadership & Collaboration
  • Agile Methodologies & Scrum
  • Languages: C++, C#, Python
  • Game Engines: Unreal Engine, Unity
  • Tools: Visual Studio, Git, Perforce
  • Technologies: DirectX, OpenGL, Vulkan
  • Certifications: Certified Unity Developer, Unreal Engine Certified Instructor

Lead Engine Programmer, Fantasy Worlds Tech

June 2018 - Present

  • Led the development of a proprietary game engine that supported unique lighting and physics features, resulting in a 20% performance increase over previous iterations.
  • Collaborated with artists and designers to create tools and pipelines that improved workflow efficiency by 30%.
  • Implemented a cross-platform development strategy that enabled projects to deploy on PC, console, and mobile with minimal overhead.

Senior Engine Developer, Tech Innovations Inc.

March 2015 - May 2018

  • Optimized legacy engine code, improving average frame rates by 15% across all supported platforms.
  • Developed and integrated a new AI navigation system that enhanced game interactivity and NPC realism.
  • Spearheaded the adoption of automated unit testing, significantly reducing bug rates and development time.

Master of Science in Computer Science, Specialization in Graphics and Simulation

Tech University of Innovation

Graduated: May 2015

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

State University of Technology

Graduated: May 2013

Dr. Alice Johnson

Professor, Computer Science Department Tech University of Innovation Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 987-6543

Mr. David Chen

Director of Technology, Fantasy Worlds Tech Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 654-3210