CV / English / Ontology Engineer

Personal Information

  • Name: Emily Carter
  • Address: 245 Innovation Drive, Techville, CA, 94088
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (555) 123-4567


A highly skilled Ontology Engineer with over 5 years of experience in designing, implementing, and managing sophisticated ontological frameworks. Possesses a strong foundation in semantic technology, knowledge graphs, and data integration. Adept at collaborating with data scientists and software developers to enhance data discoverability and usability across diverse domains.

Core Competencies

  • Ontology Development and Maintenance
  • Semantic Web Technologies
  • Knowledge Graph Construction
  • Data Modeling and Mapping
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Cross-functional Team Leadership
  • Problem-solving and Analytical Skills

Technologies and Certifications


  • Protégé
  • GraphDB
  • Neo4j
  • Python
  • Jena Semantic Web Framework


  • Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP)
  • Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I)

Professional Experience

Senior Ontology Engineer - TechSolutions Inc., Techville, CA (2018-2023)

  • Led the development of a company-wide ontology to standardize data definitions across various departments.
  • Collaborated with the data science team to integrate the ontology with machine learning models, improving data quality and model efficiency.
  • Conducted workshops for internal teams on the importance of ontology in data governance.

Ontology Engineer - DataInnovate, Techville, CA (2015-2018)

  • Contributed to the construction and maintenance of knowledge graphs for healthcare data, enhancing data interoperability.
  • Implemented SPARQL queries to support advanced data analysis, generating actionable insights for business decisions.
  • Assisted in migrating legacy data systems to semantic-based storage solutions, ensuring data integrity and accessibility.

Education and Training

  • MSc in Computer Science (Specialization in Data Science and Ontology) University of Techville, Techville, CA (2013-2015)

  • BSc in Information Technology University of Innovation, Techville, CA (2009-2013)


Dr. Alice Johnson Professor of Computer Science University of Techville Email: [email protected]

Mr. David Smith Technology Director TechSolutions Inc. Email: [email protected]