CV / English / RDF/SPARQL Developer

Personal Information

  • Name: Aaron Smith
  • Address: 42 Innovation Drive, Tech Valley, CA, 94000
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (555) 123-4567


A passionate and innovative RDF/SPARQL Developer with over 5 years of experience in designing, developing, and optimizing semantic web technologies. Skilled in transforming complex data sets into actionable insights using advanced RDF, SPARQL, and related technologies. Proven track record of enhancing data interoperability and creating scalable, efficient solutions for data management and querying.

Core Competencies

  • Semantic Web Technologies
  • RDF Schema Design
  • SPARQL Query Optimization
  • Ontology Development
  • Data Integration and Mapping
  • Performance Tuning
  • Troubleshooting and Debugging
  • Agile Development Practices

Technologies and Certifications

  • Languages: Java, Python, SPARQL
  • Technologies: RDF, OWL, SKOS, Triplestores (e.g., Apache Jena, Virtuoso)
  • Tools: Protégé, Git, Docker
  • Certifications: Certified Semantic Web Professional (CSWP), Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)

Professional Experience

Senior RDF/SPARQL Developer, Semantic Solutions Inc., Tech Valley, CA

April 2018 - Present - Led the development of semantic web applications, increasing data retrieval speed by 40%. - Designed and implemented several high-impact RDF schemas, facilitating improved data accuracy and integration. - Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop SPARQL endpoints for large-scale data analytics.

RDF/SPARQL Developer, Data Innovators Group, San Francisco, CA

June 2015 - March 2018 - Executed over 200 SPARQL queries weekly, ensuring optimal performance and accuracy. - Contributed to the creation of scalable ontologies, enhancing the company's data categorization and retrieval capabilities. - Participated in agile development cycles, ensuring timely delivery of semantic web projects.

Education and Training

  • M.S. in Computer Science (focus on Semantic Web Technologies), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Graduated May 2015
  • B.S. in Information Technology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, Graduated May 2013
  • Continuing Education: Regularly attend workshops and courses on advanced SPARQL techniques, ontology design, and modern data science practices.


Available upon request.